Friday, November 09, 2007
Ron Paul - The Truth is Out There!
As I've noted in my blog many times in the past, Ron Paul is running for President. He is fighting for the Republican nomination. He came 4th in fundraising in the last quarter. He just set the Republican record for most fundraising dollars in a day (almost $5 million) through an internet campaign.
Who is Ron Paul and why is his message gaining traction? Ron Paul is a Congressman from Texas that has been telling the truth about inflation, the devaluation of the U.S. Dollar, and the mess that the Federal Reserve has made over the years.
His supporters have been labelled as "fringe" and "loony" so that the real message doesn't spread. It's getting harder to contain because of the internet and specifically Youtube videos that have been circulating lately. Enjoy Ron Paul crucifying Ben Bernanke and try to understand Bernanke's lame responses to his legitimate questions.