Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Meaning of Jim Cramer's Rant

This is an excellent review of Jim Cramer's rant and an attempt to interpret what he was really saying. Cramer has always been a market pumper and denied the existence of the housing bubble until recently, but in a rare moment of panic, he went into CYA mode and warned the public of the looming market meltdown. He later stated that he wanted to be "on the record" so that he could have a clear conscious if and when the devastation occurs. In other words, he pumped the market all the way up, denied the existence of the housing bubble and the credit problems in the market, then at the end when it started to unravel, he screamed for help from the Fed to try and save his rich friends! Thanks for the timely advice Jim!

You can see the original rant here.

You can see his denial of the housing bubble here.